Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences' Exhibition won
The Grand Prize in Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Innovation Award 2021
The Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences "Chinese Medicine Through Technology – 3D Acu-Man" exhibition was awarded by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) with Innovation Award 2021 Category I – An Invention Grand Prize. The research and production cost of complex technology and 3D printing has been greatly reduced for the 6-feet tall "Copper Acupuncture Human Model". The exhibition project team including Dr YU Chau Leung (Project Chief Coordinator) (right), Dr TONG Ka Shun (Project Scientific Leader) (right 2nd), Ir Chan Cheuk Ming (left) and Ir Prof PL Yuen, President of the HKIE (leftt 2nd).

(Picture source:The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers)
Acupuncture is a great treasure. Traditionally, the prototype of the "copper acupuncture man" constructed under the order of Emperor Renzong in Sung Dynasty was used as a teaching model in acupuncture. Now a thousand years later, the "3D Acu-Man" project has been designed by the project team of Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences Society. The Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) technique of metal 3D printing has been optimized significantly for the innovative generation of the 6 feet tall "copper man". Besides, over 370 virtual acupuncture points are also precisely laid through Augmented Reality (AR) technologies on the "acupuncture man". The "3D Acu-Man" project has been developed by Dr YU Chau Leung (Project Chief Coordinator and Past Chairman of HMMS Society) and Dr Tong Ka Shun (Project Scientific Leader) and Ir CHAN Cheuk Ming (Project Engineer). The design and production was done in Hong Kong and patented.
The "3D Acu-Man" is instituted in the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences for promotion and the education of the general public on traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture until 6 October 2021. It is also used to train learners and practitioners for locating the acupuncture points and needling techniques. For media interview, please contact Ms Amelia Chiang, Assistant Curator at 2549 5123.
The Grand Prize in Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Innovation Award 2021
The Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences "Chinese Medicine Through Technology – 3D Acu-Man" exhibition was awarded by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) with Innovation Award 2021 Category I – An Invention Grand Prize. The research and production cost of complex technology and 3D printing has been greatly reduced for the 6-feet tall "Copper Acupuncture Human Model". The exhibition project team including Dr YU Chau Leung (Project Chief Coordinator) (right), Dr TONG Ka Shun (Project Scientific Leader) (right 2nd), Ir Chan Cheuk Ming (left) and Ir Prof PL Yuen, President of the HKIE (leftt 2nd).

(Picture source:The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers)
Acupuncture is a great treasure. Traditionally, the prototype of the "copper acupuncture man" constructed under the order of Emperor Renzong in Sung Dynasty was used as a teaching model in acupuncture. Now a thousand years later, the "3D Acu-Man" project has been designed by the project team of Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences Society. The Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) technique of metal 3D printing has been optimized significantly for the innovative generation of the 6 feet tall "copper man". Besides, over 370 virtual acupuncture points are also precisely laid through Augmented Reality (AR) technologies on the "acupuncture man". The "3D Acu-Man" project has been developed by Dr YU Chau Leung (Project Chief Coordinator and Past Chairman of HMMS Society) and Dr Tong Ka Shun (Project Scientific Leader) and Ir CHAN Cheuk Ming (Project Engineer). The design and production was done in Hong Kong and patented.
The "3D Acu-Man" is instituted in the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences for promotion and the education of the general public on traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture until 6 October 2021. It is also used to train learners and practitioners for locating the acupuncture points and needling techniques. For media interview, please contact Ms Amelia Chiang, Assistant Curator at 2549 5123.