Living medical heritage in the community Carnival

List of Activities - 2 Mar 2019(Sat)

* Thank you for support! Registration period is over. Should an event have open space, you can walk in to attend on a first come first serve basis.

Talks, Drama and Workshops 講座、話劇及工作坊

1/F Gordon King Gallery
1000 - 1045TalkWhat should we know and do to green our urban
environment and conserve our rural hinterland?
* Conducted in Cantonese
Mr. David AuDetails & Registration
1100 - 1145 TalkBreast Health Educational Talk
* Conducted in Cantonese
Ms. Grace
Details & Registration
1230 - 1300 TalkThe Development of Sex Education in Hong Kong
* Conducted in Cantonese
Dr. Angela NgDetails & Registration
1315 - 1400TalkHong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences and the
Adjacent Areas and Buildings
* Conducted in Cantonese
Mr. Cheng Po
Details & Registration
1600 - 1645TalkThrough Knowing Death, You Learn to Live
* Conducted in Cantonese
Dr. Robert Law Details & Registration
1700 - 1745TalkFinding the Spirit of Place in Tai Ping Shan
* Conducted in English
Dr. Ester van
Details & Registration

G/F Madam Ku Kei Kwan Priscilla Gallery
1000 - 1045TalkImportance of Drainage System in Building
* Conducted in Cantonese
Mr. Daniel Ma Details & Registration
1100 - 1145 TalkA Postman, A photographer’s Story –
Progress of Historic Photo Album of Dairy Farm
* Conducted in Cantonese
Mr. Nigel KoDetails & Registration
1200 - 1245TalkMyths and Truths about Antibiotics Use
* Conducted in Cantonese
Dr. Chan Kai
Details & Registration
1300 - 1345TalkSmall Shops, Big Hearts
* Conducted in Cantonese
Ms. Christina
Details & Registration
1400 - 1445TalkThe Development of Acupuncture and Acupoints
for Health
* Conducted in Cantonese
Ms. Yu Ka Yan,
Details & Registration
1540 - 1600 DramaBack to Bubonic Plague
* Conducted in Cantonese
Creative Primary
School students
1700 - 1745TalkThe Advantages of Therapeutic Horticulture
* Conducted in Cantonese
Ms. Grace Chan Details & Registration

Guided Tours 導賞團
* Conducted in Cantonese

導賞團及集合點時段 (報名)時段 (報名)
1030 - 11301615 - 1715
1030 - 12001615 - 1745
1215 - 13301615 - 1730
- 由西營盤至上環

1315 - 1445
- 由上環至西營盤

1615 - 1745
1600 - 1700
* Thank you for support! Registration period is over. Should an event have open space, you can walk in to attend on a first come first serve basis.