後人類敘事── 科學巫術之名
Post-Human Narratives—In the Name of Scientific Witchery
(Photos credit by Wong Pak Hang)
2022/7/30 - 2022/8/28
Universal Materiality - Wearable Interaction Design and Computer Aided Process for Accessible Wearable Solutions (organized by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Institute of Textiles & Clothing)
2018/12/18 - 2018/12/26
Bound Feet Women of China 紮腳 (organized by Jo Farrell)
2018/3/18 - 2018/3/31
Hong Kong Vanitas | Daphné Mandel 曼樂婷
2017/12/7 – 2017/12/12
愛滋病的醫學歷程 (香港愛滋病醫學會主辦)
Journey of HIV Medicine (organized by Hong Kong Society For HIV Medicine)
2017/11/15 - 2017/12/14
Life Goes On Within You & Without You (organized by Kos)
2017/10/26 - 2017/11/10
本 | 章燕紫
2016/7/8 – 2016/8/28
The History of Malaria in Hong Kong
2015/4/25 - 2015/7/26

2013/6/29 - 2014/3/30
《天然知源─草藥與中西醫學》展覽 "Use of Herbs in Chinese and Western Medicine" Exhibition

2011/9 - 2012/6
以疫制疫 - 神奇疫苗 Amazing Vaccines

2011/5/19 - 2011/6/19
SIMON BIRCH 'Laughing with a Mouth Full of Blood'

2010/9/15 - 2010/11/30

2006/3/18 - 2007/5/31
中醫 西醫 ─ 健康都市健康人 Health City Health Body - Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine

2005/7/13 - 2005/7/19
骨科醫學的過去與現在展覽 (於中央圖書館展出) "The Past & the Present of Orthopaedics" Exhibition at the Central Library

2005/6/18 - 2006/6/1
百日沙士 ─ 全港一心 SARS 100 Days Overcome in Unity

2004/2/28 - 2005/3/31
中醫中草藥文化展覽 Chinese Medicine and Chinese Herbs Exhibition

2003/8/16 - 2004/1/31
骨科醫學的過去與現在 (與香港骨科學會及香港骨科醫學院合辦) The Past & the Present of Orthopaedics (jointly present with The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association and Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons

2003/7/5 - 2003/8/3
中國醫學理論及中醫藥在香港的發展 Theories of Chinese Medicine and its development in Hong Kong (in Chinese)

2003/5/23 - 2003/7/27
細看香港精神科服務歷史 (青山醫院及精神健康學院主辦) Close look at the History of Psychiatric Service in Hong Kong (organized by Castle Peak Hospital and Institute of Mental Health)

2003/2/22 - 2003/5
中國傳統醫學與文化 Traditional Chinese Medicine & Culture

2002/9/28 - 2002/12/31
大開眼界:香港眼科醫學的發展 (與香港眼科醫學院合辦) Development of Ophthalmology in Hong Kong (jointly present with College of Ophthalmologist of Hong Kong)

2002/3/2 - 2002/5/31
心臟起搏器及埋置型心臟除顫器歷史展覽會 (與香港心臟專科學院合辦) Pacemaker & Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Historical Exhibition (organized by Hong Kong College of Cardiology)

2001/8/8 - 2002/1/31
香港紅十字會:溫故知新話捐血 (香港紅十字會輸血服務中心主辦) Exhibition by Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (organized by Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service)

2001/3/24 - 2001/7/22
香港家庭計劃指導會五十週年展覽:五十年家港事 (香港家庭計劃指導會主辦) The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong 50th Anniversary Exhibition (organized by The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong)

2000/6/24 - 2001/3/17
跨世紀牙科展覽 (與香港牙科學會合辦) Dentistry Across the Millennium (with Hong Kong Dental Association)

1999/11/25 - 2000/5/31
中醫藥展覽:邁向新紀元 Traditional Chinese Medicine Exhibition - Entering the New Millennium

1998/10/22 - 1999/2/28
結核病的過去現在與未來 (與香港防癆心臟及胸病協會合辦) Tuberculosis: Past, Present & Future (with Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest & Heart Diseases Association)

1998/4/25 - 1999/4/24
物換星移 ─ 香港經驗 (與香港放射科醫學院合辦) Radiology - Hong Kong Experience (with Hong Kong College of Radiologists)

1998/3/29 - 1998/9/30
產前診斷不孕症和子宮頸癌治療在香港的發展 (與香港婦產科學院合辦) The Development in Prenatal Diagnosis, Sub fertility Care & Cervical Cancer Treatment in Hong Kong (with Hong Kong College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists)

1997/10/17 - 1998/2/28
雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院一百一十週年紀念展覽 (與雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院合辦) The Alice Ho Mui Ling Nethersole Hospital 110th Anniversary Exhibition (with Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital)

1996/12/13 - 1997/12/12